Planning and Events Product

In 2017, EmpireCLS wanted to simplify the management of events. An event was a large number of people being driven to and from venues. A venue would be for as little as a single day or up to several days or weeks long. This was an extremely manual process and required many staff hours to manage and validate.

We developed the entire MVP using a “no DB” approach. In order to cut down on the friction of any type of database we used in memory repositories to track all data. A generic set of classes were used to manage the memory repository and offered simple migration to full DB support. We used domain models from the repositories as the application view of data, the repositories would then map the domain models into whatever storage we wanted; mongo, SQL, etc.

We used Typewriter to generate our client typescript code based upon the web API interface, API models, and domain models. By authoring a few templates in Typewriter we would have all of the client-side Angular HTTP services, DTO’s, and view models generated for us. This streamlined the development process immensely.

Technologies… C#, MVC, Web API, Angular, Typewriter