CSS – BaSys Inc. https://basysinc.com Software Realization of your Business Vision Sat, 16 Jul 2016 16:17:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 On Demand Product https://basysinc.com/on-demand-product/ Sat, 16 Jul 2016 16:17:32 +0000 http://basysinc.com/?p=978 Continue reading "On Demand Product"]]> In 2016, EmpireCLS wanted to build a new product to tackle on-demand for the corporate customer. This product was to have a no-touch integration with their 400+ affiliate network and provide real-time availability of inventory through the EmpireCLS customer app.

We developed the entire MVP using a “no DB” approach. In order to cut down on the friction of any type of database we used in memory repositories to track all data. A generic set of classes were used to manage the memory repository and offered simple migration to full DB support. We used domain models from the repositories as the application view of data, the repositories would then map the domain models into whatever storage we wanted; mongo, SQL, etc.

We used Typewriter to generate our client typescript code based upon the web API interface, API models, and domain models. By authoring a few templates in Typewriter we would have all of the client-side Angular HTTP services, DTO’s, and view models generated for us. This streamlined the development process immensely.

The project was put on hold indefinitely after a simplified POC was delivered to the executive team.

Technologies… C#, asp.net MVC, asp.net Web API, AngularJS, Typewriter

Suggestive Dispatch Software https://basysinc.com/suggestive-dispatch-software/ Wed, 16 Jul 2014 15:47:44 +0000 http://basysinc.com/?p=934 Continue reading "Suggestive Dispatch Software"]]> In 2014, EmpireCLS wanted to optimize their dispatch department by automating the chauffeur to reservation assignments that they have been manually doing for decades.

Building on the rules of the newly created dispatch application this application would attempt to automate as much of the work as possible. Some of the rules that would need to be taken into consideration are as follows; driver requests by customer, driver location to customer, VIP customer handling, where driver started their day, shift time, etc.

A real-time GPS tracking system was also required for this system so as to have constant visibility to driver location and time / duration to a customer location or when the customer would be dropped off.

We ended up treating output of the system as suggestions that the dispatcher could just accept as opposed to 100% automation. There were edge cases that could not be covered for 100% automation so suggesting vs. automating was the better solution.

A dispatcher using this tool was able to assign all of the work for the first shift drivers in seconds, where previously it took over an hour.

Technologies… C#, asp.net MVC, Mongo, SQL Server

Tranquility Product https://basysinc.com/tranquility-product/ Mon, 16 Jul 2012 16:07:37 +0000 http://basysinc.com/?p=968 Continue reading "Tranquility Product"]]> In 2012, EmpireCLS needed to build out their new platform that would replace their existing Linux platform lovingly known as Iliad. We termed the new platform “Tranquility” to try and install a sense of calmness for those migrating from the legacy platform.

The existing linux platform had around 1 million lines of code, over 200 applications, and 20 years of data in an ISAM database. Our goal was to build this new web platform on Windows and slowly migrate the individual programs.

From the onset we counted on running both systems side by side and slowly migrating users to the new system. We chose the side by side approach to cut down on risk to the company, simplify training, and allow real-time validation between systems.

The initial modules that were moved were read-only; customer profiles, reservations, chauffeur HR. New modules were added to support credit card rebills, chauffeur check-ins, system monitoring, and several third party integration portals.

Technologies… C#, asp.net MVC, SQL Server, asp.net web API, Angular, Typescript

Be Transported Product https://basysinc.com/be-transported-product/ Sat, 16 Jul 2011 15:55:32 +0000 http://basysinc.com/?p=949 Continue reading "Be Transported Product"]]> In 2011, EmpireCLS wanted to unite their 500+ affiliate network and build a marketplace for customers.  This was a brand new business entity and was released as betransported.com.

We worked extensively with the EmpireCLS executive team to help define the business model.  We were then able to implement the entire application in around 9 months; website, accounting, mobile app, and the on boarding of 400+ affiliate partners.

The project was a success as far as the partner relationships were concerned.  There were many challenges with getting customer adoption so it was put on hold indefinitely.

System highlights… web UX for creating rating structures, extensible rating API, cross platform mobile app with code reuse from back end, extensible excel import framework for bulk loading rating structures.

Technologies… C#, SQL Server, asp.net MVC, asp.net Web API, Xamarin.

EmpireCLS Customer Website https://basysinc.com/empirecls-customer-site/ Mon, 16 Jul 2007 15:39:44 +0000 http://basysinc.com/?p=920 Continue reading "EmpireCLS Customer Website"]]> In 2007, EmpireCLS needed to revamp their customer booking website. This website allowed private customers, corporate customer, and travel administrators to manage reservations. This website also acted as the portal for EmpireCLS’ vast network of affiliates, allowing them to both receive assigned trips and notify EmpireCLS of statuses and closeout information.

One of the biggest challenges of this site was that it had to integrate with the existing Linux system. We designed and implemented a socket communication framework to facilitate this. We use Code Smith to generate the communication layer based upon XML models that we created to specify methods and messages.

Technologies… asp.net web forms, C#, Code Smith, IIS, and Linux
